Sunday 1 June 2008

Perception of self

You might agree - the desire to photograph comes to us more often than the availability of potential models. So, when this happens, we test it on ourselves. at least I do.

And, of course, the endless curiosity! of how we appear to other people, how others see us. I believe self-portraiture can be quite theraputic, as if we have a chance to look inside ourselves, see how our feelings translate when they come out on the surface.

Also, I am becoming very fond of unsaturated images, on the verge of black and white, but not quite (like the one in the middle). Their subtlety and 'understatedness' really appeals to me - I find it more expressive than bold and bright colours - or, at least, when applied to portraiture... What do you think?


jeanv said...

About unsaturated images, I just begin experimenting it on portraits too. I just leave a little trace of color and I like the result. It's more sensual, more subtle and it leaves all the place to the soul of the subject by not distracting with colors.

Andy said...

>And, of course, the endless curiosity! of how we appear to other people, how others see us

Interesting post, I guess my one comment would be that unless we publish every self portrait that we take (no one brave enough to do that) then we are still controlling the final image that we portray.

I guess that in life we do much the same thing...image management. It works most of the time but, for me, it is more interesting when the image cracks and fades and the real person comes out.

I guess that is what love is...when the image is gone and the reality remains...can you still love the reality?


PS - Can you tell I have had too much coffee this morning?

Mashka Cordwell said...

Thank you for your comments,

JeanV - I'd love to see how that turned out for you, where can I look at your images?

Andy - I am not sure I agree, as we choose the one that we think describes us the most - always, or at that moment. or, the one we aspire the most. Nothing wrong with that. Like words, or facial expressions, ALL the images would not portray us exactly how we are - as the distortion appears.. sometimes quite a lot, too.

As for love.. who on Earth can describe it once and for all?

jeanv said...
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jeanv said...

Well, I posted two of them there and next. But I'm not sure it's very interesting...

jeanv said...

I think it takes a lot of maturity to avoid "image management" and create a self portrait that we think honestly depicts ourself.
There are two different situations : the one where you use yourself as an object in a more general project and the one where you are the subject. In the first one, you're an instrument and you could have used anybody else as long as he serves your project.
But in the second case, your intent is to portrait yourself. That's where, I think, it's easy to fall in image management and it can be hard to really express who we are.
Anyway, when you make a portrait there is always a part of interpretation.

Z said...

Машка, ты - восхитительная! во всех смыслах!