Monday 1 September 2008

Not a poser, just a beautiful person

There is this something I have been thinking about lately: when we are looking at images - other people's and our own, how often do we comment on how the model looks and how often is it purely related to the art of making a photograph?

I suppose, these two sometimes (and maybe even often) are impossible to separate. And I do strongly believe that a good photographer will manage to communicate the inner beauty of their subject, and Beauty truly does come in all shapes and sizes, colours and dimensions.

I spent the weekend in Exeter, at the house of a friend, who I was dying to photograph - especially that the house where she lives is a complete inspiration - full packed of "interestings", old furniture, grandmother's paintings, things that nobody remembers where they came from.

My friend has the most beautiful personality. She is very pretty, too. Unfortunately! She does not like her picture taken. Well, she was kind enough to let me photograph her. A reserved, very well-mannered girl with white skin, baby blond hair and brown eyes - I am hoping I did her justice...


jeanv said...

More generally, I think a photographer communicates an emotion through his photograph. The subject counts for a part of this, but the way she takes the picture, the art and technique she puts into it counts for an equal part.

In these pics, I think you choose to communicate what you feel about your friend. The poses and expressions you selected, the way she doesn't reveal completly herself (hiding behind something or through a reflection) tell me a lot about how reserved she is, as does the choice of black and white. The softness of the images and the short depth of field tell me too about the tenderness you have for her.

I feel peaceful when I look at these pictures. I suppose you feel the same when you are with your friend.

Mashka Cordwell said...

Jeanv - I would not say it better myself! you truly have an insightful mind. Thank you very much for your comments, really appreciate it. mc

jeanv said...

You're welcome :-)